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sheep animal communication

What is animal communication?

In this context, animal communication is a form of non-verbal communication. The communication does not happen through body language, it happens through telepathy. If you are interested in the science behind it I suggest you do your research of quantum mechanics however you would like to research it.


The telepathy that happens is through pictures, words or feelings. However, the way its received doesn't have to be the way it was sent. The brain translates what another being is communicating to whatever works best for the individual, and what the individual relates to the closest. It could be only words, feelings and words, pictures and words, only pictures, all at once etc. The communication can happen no matter how big the distance is between the two individuals. I am located in Sweden and the animal could be in Japan, the US or Kenya, and the communication would be as crystal clear as if I was beside the animal.


Every species, except for humans, is practicing this form of communication consciously. Humans are born with it, but in this society we teach children that "animals can not talk" and if they claim they are hearing an animal they tell them "you are making it up", therefore, most shut it out. So, in order to be able to use it again, it must be practiced.

Is it possible to talk to any kind of animal?

Yes. Every animal spieces is capable of this form of communication. Even though there may be animals who don't want to talk because of different reasons, such as a deep mistrust of humans or if they have been isolated all their life.

The importance of animal communication

In this day and age a majority of humans in the world feel superior to animals. My knowing is that animals are not less sentient than humans and absolutely capable of feeling all sorts of emotions and have thoughts most humans don't think animals can have. They are capable of giving you advice on your relationships, what they think you should eat, what you should wear etc. They can tell you where they hurt and how they got sick, or at least how they think they got sick. If an animal is lost it's possible that they can describe where they are and how they got there. They can tell you what they want to eat. Etc. Etc. The questions to ask and the topics to talk about with an animal are almost endless. I want to help animals and people understand each other better. That I can do through animal communication. By deepening peoples understanding about what animals are thinking about and deepening the peoples and the animals relationships to a level they maybe didn't think was possible I think more people can realise they are not superior to animals.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to email me!

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